Executive Summary: 2021 Security Outcomes Study, Endpoint Edition
Get proven success factors for your endpoint security program based on data from 4,800 IT and security pros
We commissioned an independent survey of 4,800 active security and IT professionals at companies of all sizes, across 25 countries. We’ve broken down their answers into best practices, and determined which have the most impact on security outcomes and objectives.
See data on how much Secure Endpoint’s “Timely Incident Response” and “Accurate Threat Detection” improved these security teams’ success in the following areas:
- Minimizing unplanned work
- Managing top risks
- Avoiding major incidents
- Running cost effectively
We know you’re busy, so we distilled our 23-page 2021 Security Outcomes Study: Endpoint Edition down to this executive summary with key learnings:
- What your odds are of suffering a major security incident
- Endpoint security practices that rank most effective
- Impacts most organizations see after a security attack
Get the Executive Summary now (Full Report included!)
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