Distributed Advanced Firewall Advisory Board Post Event Survey Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to help us improve your next advisory board experience. First Name* Last Name* Email Address* 3. How likely is it that you would recommend this advisory board to a colleague?* 10987654321 (1=not at all likely; 10=extremely likely) 4. How did you feel about the overall length of the event?* Too long Too short Just right 5. How did you feel about the content? More education and technical explanations More from my peers in the group More dialogue and discussion with Cisco’s experts The session content was just right (Select all that apply) 6. AI will make my organization’s Security Operations more efficient. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 7. I would like to be invited to a Distributed Advanced Firewall Launch event. Yes No 8. We’d like to send a gift for your participation. Please share your jacket size & shipping address 9. Is there anything else you want to tell us (i.e. how can we improve the next event.)